Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8 - blow hole and Rum point

After getting lost a few times, driving on the wrong side of road once or twice, Sam and Denise managed to figure out directions while I drove and dodged a chicken or two (never mind) and we made it out to the coastal road that runs around the eastern part of the island.  Speed limits were posted but no one drives at speeds anywhere close to these.   They are posted in km/hr but one is closer to the traffic flow if one assumes they are in mph.  Actually, add about 5-10 km/h to that.  If the posted limit was 30 km/hr, figure on going 60 km/hr and so forth.  Also, rental cars have white plates and residents have orange plates.  Residents give tourists a lot of room and right of way as a matter of self preservation. That said, every resident we have met has been very nice and helpful.  Our first stop was a "famous" blowhole on the SE side of the island.  We had no idea if we passed it until we came to a hand painted sign welcoming us to the blowholes. We stopped, no one else was there, and were met by a 60+ year old native of sorts who was colorful and very nice and actually pretty well informed.  He welcomed us and took us on a tour of the fossils there (all located in about a 10' circle) and then took our picture at the blowhole.  No charge. He was actually a very nice guy and looked like Obama when he had his hat off.  Seriously, he really did.  He pretended to be Obama for fun.  Boys were not sure how to take all this but Denise and I thought it was great.  We gave him a few dollars and were on our way.

Up next, Rum point and stupid cruise guests.  

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