Sunday, April 12, 2015

Flying out of Grand Cayman

We got up early, finished packing and headed to the airport.  Front desk at hotel said to get to the airport 3 hours early due to one line for security, etc.  Well, we got there about 2 1/4 hours early and got thru everything in about 15 minutes.  Hmmm.   So we sat in the airport and it did get pretty full and crazy by the time our flight left at 11:45 am.  Landed at Dulles at around 3:45 and did not get out of the airport until almost 6pm.  2 hours to clear immigration, get our one checked bag and clear customs and then take a bus out to our car and get out of the parking lot.  Of course, then we hit DC traffic, stopped for dinner, and finally got back to our house at 9:30pm.

We were home.

Another classic Keller adventure complete.

This was a really good one!!!

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